
Posts uit mei, 2019 tonen
The MH17 Lie, Rutte the movie Sign with acknowledgement Date 27 May 2012 On:      H.K.H. Princess Maxima                              From: No Cancer Foundation vzw             Noordeinde                                                    Paul Bellefroidlaan Palace 16             PO Box 30412                                               3500 Hasselt (Belgian)             2500 GK The Hague                                     Website: Dear Royal Highness. We have the honour to ask you to save the world from the total poisoning with highly toxic carcinogenic poison. As falsely labelled arsenic acid and chromium trioxide (chromium VI) being highly problematic hazardous waste from Billiton/Shell and other pesticides such as Monsanto Roundup, Chemtrails poison, fluoride poison, aspartame poison, holiday poison, radiation poison. Etc. This is the resul